Roadsider Motors Auto Repair Shop. How can we help you?
- Engine Maintenance
- Motor Modification
- Engine Overhauls
- Lexus Conversion
- Car Services
- Aircon Regas for Cars
- Diagnosis
Everything Else We Specialize In
- Computer Diagnostics
- Lube/oil/filter change
- Radiator Flush & Fill Service
- Transmission Fluid Service
- A/C Recharge & Diagnostic Service
- Timing Belt Replacement
- Tire rotation and balance only
- Battery replacement
- Anti-Lock system diagnosis
- Axle Work Bearings/Seals
- Shock and Strut Replacement
- Starters/Alternators/Heater cores
- Suspension system service
- Alignments
- Anti-Lock system diagnosis
- Fleet service/maintenance
- Imports & Japanese vehicles
- Antique/classic car repair
- Cars such as BMW, Jaguar, Mercedes, etc.